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The Hunt for Great Experiences

Hunting is one of the top scorers when pupils at Samsø Efterskole have to choose among an impressive 40 different optional subjects to spice up their school timetable

An orange clay pigeon is cruising through the air. It is heading for the Kattegat, but it never goes that far. There is a shot and a split second later the pigeon has been shot into a hundred small pieces. A total of six clay pigeons have been hit, and the pupil behind the gun has passed his shotgun test.

Hunting and shooting are two of the most popular optional subjects at Samsø Efterskole, and for many pupils the shotgun test is the crowning glory. A pupil having passed a hunting subject will get a game licence, whereas passing the shotgun test gives you a “license to kill”.

Waiting for a Kill

Frederik Jønsson and Frederik Larsen are two pupils who chose hunting as an optional subject at Samsø Efterskole. They passed the shooting test in the autumn at school, and are both looking back on a process that fully fulfi lled their expectations. The meeting with animals in open nature weighs heavily in the balance of satisfaction. ”Hunting is the coolest thing – and the greatest is to shoot a deer,” Frederik Jønsson says.

Frederik Larsen adds: ”You are standing there waiting and waiting and then – all of a sudden – something happens. It really gives you a rush. I remember shaking for a long time after I shot my fi rst deer.”

Samsø Efterskole assigns a high priority to safety and they must be in control of all safety routines. At fi rst, it is a book and not a gun, that is handed to the pupils when they start their hunting training. There is a lot of theory they have to master fi rst. Safety, biology, legislation, hunting and game information all come before actually hunting.

Cool Year Both
Frederiks were attracted to the action inspired optional subjects offered by Samsø Efterskole. In addition to hunting, they have also chosen fl ying, diving, and windsurfi ng and are both reminiscing over a good school year.

”It has been cool to learn a lot about hunting, but the social features have been cool, too. I have grown a lot when I think back to my fi rst day at school, just standing there because nobody knew anyone,” says Frederik Jønsson.

“Yes, it’s a bad day when it is all over. It has really been cool to be a pupil at this continuation school,” Frederik Larsen states as a fi nal remark.

Samsø Efterskole offers 40 optional subjects within the categories ”by land, by water, and by air”. Hunting is one of the most popular subjects – with the girls too. Add to this a list of high-ranking subjects, such as diving, sailing, flying, and horse riding. If you are more interested in creative subjects, you can choose from subjects such as drama or creative needlework

Last updated: 11/08/2020 14:10