Bus on Samsø


When you need a bus ride, you can call a telebus. The telebus drives from address to address, but not down gravel roads.

The telebus must be ordered no later than 2 hours before you need to use it.

The telebus drives every weekday between 7-22, Saturday from 7-20 and on Sundays and public holidays from 7-22.
The telebus also covers all ferry departures and arrivals.

Read more about the telebus here: https://samsoebus.dk/telebus/?lang=en
The school buses are free for everyone. The school buses drive in the mornings between 7-8am according to a set timetable.

In the afternoon, the school bus drives the students home to the nearest stop near their home. In the afternoon, it is also possible for other passengers to get on the school bus in Tranebjerg.

Everyone is welcome to use the school bus for free.

See the timetable here: https://samsoebus.dk/koereplan/

Last updated: 13/08/2020 12:12